Ear, Nose & Throat information

Our national specialist association, ENT-UK provides detailed patient information about a broad range of ENT problems and patient information leaflets about most types of common ENT operation. Links to these areas are shown below. These resources can be a useful adjunct to information we can discuss during your consultation.

Ear Conditions:

ENT UK Ear Conditions website link(Including deafness, dizziness, glue ear, tinnitus, grommets, Meniere’s disease, perforations, mastoid surgery)

Nose and sinus Conditions:

ENT UK Nose Conditions website link

(Including sinus problems, allergy, nasal polyps, nasal injuries, nasal deviations and breathing difficulty)


Throat conditions:

ENT UK Throat Conditions website link(Including tonsils, adenoids, hoarseness, swallowing difficulties, snoring and sleep apnoea)

Head and Neck conditions:

ENT UK Head & Neck Conditions website link

(Including parotid surgery, submandibular gland surgery, head and neck cancer)


Patient Information Leaflets:
(Covering all common ENT operations)

ENT UK patient leaflets download

There has been much controversy and media publicity about rationing access to common procedures such as grommets and tonsillectomy in recent years.

If you appear to have difficulty obtaining referral for these or any other procedures or conditions you are welcome to book a consultation for a full assessment and discussion of possible treatments with no additional commitment.

Advice on this website and external links should be regarded as general guidance and information only and not a specific recommendation or advice for treatment.

To book a consultation call us on 01392 262160 or get in touch online.
